Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Duit Raya

I just do not understand how some parents & kids who like to open up their duit raya packet  right in front of the giver. Isn't it rude to do that!

More over, they will start making faces especially when the amount is little & not what they expected to receive! Aiyoh!!!

We give duit raya because we want to give it..Thus, the amount is not significant & unimportant. The act of giving is more noble than the amount itself.. Beside it is hari raya...

But these kind of parents  & kids just do not see that moral & reason behind it. Money is more important than the spirit of Hari Raya...

I blame the parents for showing this bad example to their kids .. Because kids copycat whatever words & body language that they seen from their parents...

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