Friday, 29 March 2013

Lesson on life No.1

Ada masanya bila saya melihat keluarga org lain, diri sendiri jadi takut dengan ujian dan dugaan yg diberikan oleh Allah saw. 

Kedua ibubapa orang terpelajar dan dihormati. Dan alhamdulillah, hidup yg dulunya sukar sudah dirahmati oleh Nya dengan kesenangan rezeki yg bagus. Bisa makan di resto yg mewah dan belanja eceran di toko2 yg bagus .

Alhamdulillah juga kedua ibubapa  juga sudah berpeluang menunaikan rukun islam yg lima  yg butuh uang yg byk iaitu haji.

Namun bila melihat dugaan yg diberikan oleh Nya utk kedua ibu bapa tadi , diri ini rasa takut dan bimbang.

Dugaan dlm bentuk anak anak yg tidak mampu utk menjadi manusia lebih baik tingkah laku terhadap ahli keluarga yg tua .

Dugaan hebat dlm bentuk anak anak gadis yg tidak tahu etika berpakian yg sopan dan manis . Ada masanya saya yg seorang wanita ini menjadi lebih malu utk berdepan dengan anak anak gadis manis itu yg saya kira  akan lebih manis jika pakaiannya lebih sopan dan manis.

Dugaan dugaan ini la yg membuat diri sendiri risau dan bimbang dgn anak2 sendiri. Sudah pastinya diri merasa bersyukur sebab Allah sudah menunjukan dugaan ini depan mata saya.

Namun yg menjadi kerisauan adalah bagaimana pula dgn keluarga saya sendiri. Mampukah diri yg kerdil ini menghalang dugaan dugaan seperti di atas dr berlaku ke atas anak2 dan keluarga sendiri.

Diri ini hanya mampu berdoa dan terus berdoa kepada Allah yg maha esa dan kaya agar terusan diberikan petunjuk dan hidayahNya dlm membimbing anak2 sendiri dan hidup ini.

Dan berdoa dan terus berdoa agar anak2 ku akan menjadi anak2 yg soleh dan ditetapkan imannya.

Amin. Amin .

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

that used to be me

Spoken to my dad and mom over the phone yesterday at lunch time.

They were at empire building  in subang for lunch. Earlier they were seeiing a chiropractor somewherethere too.

I told them to eat at Serai or Belanga rather than at madam kwan. For the price that they are going to pay, serai or belanga is much more better. 

Somehow when we were done talking and after a couple of minutes later, it dawn on me on how much i used to go outing with my parents whenever they were in KL.

I was single at that time. So whenever they are in town ( KL and seremban is just less than an hour drive ) , I will drive them around KL.  We could be eating at the chillis in bangsar  or go to mid valley.

Back then I was staying at FAjaria apartment. It was sooo conviniently located  !

Looking back , those are precious moments that i would not trade for anything.

Up to this day, my mom still complain a bit on how difficult for her to buy things in KL. How things are easier if i was around eventhough i am married .

I guess she got used to have me accompanying her to buy stuffs at KL. Or i would be buying it for her and pass it to her whenever i go balik kampung.

As for ayah, i can sensed it is the same too with him. Though no words are spoken, but its not hard to notice when you know that your parents can depend on you.

And that memories are like 10 years old.

that used to be me

Spoken to my dad and mom over the phone yesterday at lunch time.

They were at empire building  in subang for lunch. Earlier they were seeiing a chiropractor somewherethere too.

I told them to eat at Serai or Belanga rather than at madam kwan. For the price that they are going to pay, serai or belanga is much more better. 

Somehow when we were done talking and after a couple of minutes later, it dawn on me on how much i used to go outing with my parents whenever they were in KL.

I was single at that time. So whenever they are in town ( KL and seremban is just less than an hour drive ) , I will drive them around KL.  We could be eating at the chillis in bangsar  or go to mid valley.

Back then I was staying at FAjaria apartment. It was sooo conviniently located  !

Looking back , those are precious moments that i would not trade for anything.

Up to this day, my mom still complain a bit on how difficult for her to buy things in KL. How things are easier if i was around eventhough i am married .

I guess she got used to have me accompanying her to buy stuffs at KL. Or i would be buying it for her and pass it to her whenever i go balik kampung.

As for ayah, i can sensed it is the same too with him. Though no words are spoken, but its not hard to notice when you know that your parents can depend on you.

And that memories are like 10 years old.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Alya @ 17th months old

At 17 th months old, she is no longer wanting to breastfeed or even drinking my milk.

She has completely graduated and weaned herself from breastfeeding.

And for the past 3 nights in a row, she is slowly developing her own sleeping routine.  She will sit down with her back lowered a bit and rested on a pillow next to me on bed. She will be holding the milk bottle with her two hands. The minute she is about to doze off will also means that she has finished her milk.

She will passed the bottle to me. And immediately rest her head flat on my tummy.

Hemm.... Allah Maha Kaya. I am amazed and still cant believe to witness all this happening right in front of me . Coming from a my barely 2 years old girl. Yeah! Something good is instore for me. Alhamdulillah.

Thesedays also she will say "dah" meaning she is done drinking her milk in the bottle. You can see how her small hands handing out to me the empty bottle.

Alhamdulillah also she is beginning to drink milk more thesedays.  But I have to quickly decide either to continue with enfagrow made in malaysia which i still have 3 tins more or do  I switch to local milk brand ? The biggest hurdle will be to find milk that is original in flavour ie no honey or vanilla or chocolate flavour. And  here in Jakarta they dislikes original flavour for toddler milk powder. How cow?

Friday, 1 March 2013

Weaning time yet?

Has the time come? Is she really weaning off from my breastmilk?

Alya is like slowly weaning herself from breastfeeding. I am still thinking that she is stopping  now because of her hfmd that she got last sunday.

And that her sore throat and teething too is just making breastfeeding painful for her.

Other mommies had to crack their heads to find solution to weaning. While me , its like so unwelcome and unexpected.

Ye la...because Alya is not even 2 years old yet. She will turn 17 months in the next couples of days. My plan is to wean her at the age of 20 months old. Its 3 months early.

Dont know how to react to this ...