Tuesday, 13 July 2010

She got me back on track

If it weren't for her , i think i may have put my plan of using CD on hold again . 

Two weeks back I finally made my first ever CDs purchase. I bought 2 Grobaby CDs and 2 Bumgenius CDs. And  2 extra inserts too. However,I have yet to try it on Aisyah as weekends are full of activities. Plus being me who insist on doing it on my own , caused delayed to all this . I know I can just explain everything to my maid on the CDs prewash things. But I just have to be there doing the prewash from the beginning to the end process. Hopefully I can use those CDs by this weekend. And hopefully there wont be any events or u-know-what to prevent me from trying it on Aisyah for the very 1st time.

By the way, I bought the pail to store dirty and soiled CDs. But I have yet to purchase the detergant and other accessories ie the pretty & colorful wetbag and nappy wipes.

And of course, the addiction of buying those pretty printed CDs like IttiBitti and BBMinky have definitely rubbed on me!

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