A few minutes after arriving at home from work....
Arissa: Mama Kitten!
Mama: What is it Sayang?
Arissa: Call Arissa Baby Kitten , Mama Kitten.
Mama: Ok Baby Kitten. smiling. Yes. What is it Baby Kitten?
Arissa: Baby Kitten cry this morning. I was looking for u Mama Kitten.
Mama: Emmm. Mama was...
Arissa: Not Mama. U say Mama Kitten.
Mama: smiling. Sorry Baby Kitten. I went to work this morning Baby Kitten..
Thesedays , she likes to address herself as Baby Kitten. And the rest of us will be " Baba Kitten", "Tuk Ummi Kitten" and " Mama Kitten" .. Thus , I played along with her ... she will be quicked to remind us to address ourselves by that new name whenever she is Baby Kitten. ;)
meow meow...
ha ha ha.Qutenyer, baby kitten. Baby kitten can talk and so talkative.come,come meh sini sayang, rumah aunty banyak baby kitten..hehe
Kak Nani: thanks for dropping by..My hubby & Arissa memang peminat kucing.. So boleh kami minta seekor kucing nanti ye! :)
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