Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Pen pals

Again, thanks to FB, I managed to be in touch again with my long lost penpals... Happy but sad at the same time when IYS , the company that run this wonderful services of penfriend is no longer operating. I googled them and found it's website. So it had closed its doors last year in 2008.

Back in in 80's and 90's , IYS and having pen pals were the in-thing . Now writing and sending letters to penpals are considered quaint. Emails , IM, YM and whatever with the net are now more attractive than snail mail. This is what we call modernisation and globalisation and whatever la.. ;)

I truly enjoy my penpal's days... How not to enjoy it when I received so many gifts from my wonderful penpals.

I love picking and buying all those beautiful papers and envelopes too...They came in all shapes and sizes and colors.. I like mine to be different. Not that i dont ever use the simple white letters.. I did. And so with the aerogrammes which is definitely cheaper than using paper notes. That was how i spent most of my pocket money and duit raya.. To save time and so that I don;t have to queue up long at post office, I always bought a lot of stamps and keep lostsa airmail stickers.

If my freinds have to buy some popstars stickers like NKOTB or Johnny Depp or Jason Donovan, I dont need too.. My penpals from US, UK and Germany were just too happy to send it to me.. And birthdays were always specials.. There were toiletries set, small parfumes, teddy bears and not forgetting cards .. I still have those precious gifts back at my parents's house. So are boxes of letters. Yep! my treasure junk..

One of them visited us in Malaysia. That was 6 years ago. Natascha my German friend came to Malaysia for her winter holidays. She came with her friendly partner.My hubby who was my boyfriend at that time, helped me to accompany them.. I still have our foursome pictures at the KLCC tower bridge. As a token for our hospitality , they gave me a book on Germany. Could be a hint for us to come and visit them there..

Btw, Danny is living happily with her partner back in German with a one kid..

And yesterday, another of my penpals replied my message on FB. What triggered me to find all my penpals was due to me being found by one of them. Nopi who is my Greek's penfriend, found me via FB.
And today I'm in touch again with my penfriend from US .

Looking at their current photos is just so great.. I used to see them as a teenager.But now they are all lovely women. Happily married with kids and living a wonderful lives.

Btw, I too joined Kuntum club.. The magazine is still around but not too sure if it is popular with school kids thesedays.. I can still remember which photo I sent to them. Response? Not bad also... And recently I found back my old Kuntum penfriend who is a Johorian. It seems that she was my cousin's college mate in Dungun..

Orait..Gotta go now.. Christine my US penfriend just sent me a message on FB.. Need to check it out..
Yeah...tgh cilok from my office work.. ;) hheheh

p/s: Just read Christine's message. Her eldest child's name is Emily. What a coincidence!

Friday, 13 February 2009

Mama Kitten & Baby Kitten

A few minutes after arriving at home from work....

Arissa: Mama Kitten!

Mama: What is it Sayang?

Arissa: Call Arissa Baby Kitten , Mama Kitten.

Mama: Ok Baby Kitten. smiling. Yes. What is it Baby Kitten?

Arissa: Baby Kitten cry this morning. I was looking for u Mama Kitten.

Mama: Emmm. Mama was...

Arissa: Not Mama. U say Mama Kitten.

Mama: smiling. Sorry Baby Kitten. I went to work this morning Baby Kitten..

Thesedays , she likes to address herself as Baby Kitten. And the rest of us will be " Baba Kitten", "Tuk Ummi Kitten" and " Mama Kitten" .. Thus , I played along with her ... she will be quicked to remind us to address ourselves by that new name whenever she is Baby Kitten. ;)

meow meow...

Thursday, 12 February 2009

i like to move it move it..

ring ring ring.....

Arissa: Hello Mama! I'm ok..

Mama: Hello Sayang! How do u know it's me?

Arissa : Mama, I have eat(eaten my ) rice..

Mama : That's good Sayang. Can u dance for me ' I like to move it move it" ?

Arissa : she went on to dance and sing to that tune...giggling

Mama: Smiling. Do u feel any pain at your back?

Arissa: No Mama. Mama, Where is your boss?

Mama: My Boss? gigling . She is here.Working. Why Sayang?

Arissa : I want to talk to her.

Mama: She is working Sayang.

Arissa : Ok.. I wanna go now.. Bye Mama..

Mama: Bye Arissa.

Above was what happened today. I called her from office. She had a fall yesterday nite before brushing her teeth. A fall that could have been prevented if I was more careful & alert with her.. I'm still so sedih and kesal with that incident. My hope and pray is that she will be ok.. Amin

Lately she likes to ask about my boss. For example she asked about my boss yesterday nite as we were walking down the staircase for dinner. She asked how was the boss. I told her that my boss was ok.. Reason to her question was beacause me and her Tuk Umi have told her that my boss will be angry with me if I am late for work...

Arissa, being her normal self, doesn't like me going to work . Thus she will try to delay me in the morning by asking me to take her for a short ride around the neighbourhood , wanna help me to stir my mug of choc milk, asking me to feed her breakfast and me to eat my breakfast. I normally take choc milk and no food as it's too early in the morning.My tummy just can't eat that much around 7 am . Thus I normally pack the breakfast to office.

So this thing about my boss is the lastest issues that she likes to ask from me..

Arissa :Mama boss will be angry if mama is late for work

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Blame it on AA & MAS

Argh!!!! Tension nyer!!! A few of my staffs ( those who are single & have less life commitments) are fully making use of the best travel offers from AA & MAS !!!!

Imagine going for holidays more than 3 times in a year! How I envy them... :(

Two of my staffs went to Indonesia last January 2009. And now they have already booked & paid for their next vacation to Ho Chi Minh in middle of this year! Argh!!!

Of course I did have my vacation last month... But with my current pregnant status, it's not advisable to travel by plane even though i'm only into my 3rd months...

p/s: busy checking out info on Krabi after reading superzac's blog...