Tuesday, 17 May 2011

3rd time preggy

iron rich foods 3 300x199 Iron Rich Foods For Pregnancy

At first it did not rhyme in my head that I am actually having a no-appetite  at this stage of  16weeks pregnancy. So I was surprised to hear from my gynea doctor about my blood test result. My borderline iron level result was something i did not expect to found out from that test.

I only realized that i am actually having a no-appetite eating mood last weekend. Of course I ate my breakfast, lunches & dinner. But the intake is not increaseing at a rate of what a pregnant woman should be eating. And taking pre-natal pills & oil fish pills & calsium pills are not enough also if i want my baby  weight to be above than average weight.

So here I am reading through & refreshing my knowledge on what iron rich food to eat as well as other vitamins & minerals rich food too. Theseday I will reminding myself to eat meat dishes for lunch. As for animal internal organs, I am having in it in smaller portion and on irregular basis. Too much of it is not good for the baby & for myself too.

I still can't believe of my blood test result. But then again, what's so different about the each pregnancy being different from another. And yes, i find it a bit weird when i am to remind myself to eat more. Eat more in the sense of healthy & well balanced food. I really do not want to gain fats only... Of course I can easily shed those fats off during my confinement period. But being overweight during pregnancy is bad for my health being & movement tooo! 
But once a while it's nice to indulge in ice creams & chocolate ice-blended!!!

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